Friday, January 30, 2009

Nathan Ackerson
Written Communications

Not All My Trash, But All My Responsibility
My house’s garbage accumulates entirely too fast, and even though I am usually gone and contribute least to this trash, I am the one to deal with it. In my house there are at least two full bags of garbage taken out every day. At the point when one bag is full I am forced to bring my family’s trash to the backside of our garage. This trash then sits there until Saturday when I have to take my family’s trash to the city dump. Finally, I am able to rid myself of the garbage stinking up my car with the dedicated old man that is at the dump every Saturday without fail. He helps me take my garbage and put it in the compacter while I am able to drive off free of garbage, but unfortunately my car is not free of the smell.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and it rocked. I doubt anyone really cares but I got a shirt from my sister rachel ,who is 17, and a hundred bucks from my Grandma.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog for Written Communications

writing is not my forte so this is a blog for the sole purpose of my written communications class. Try not to expect to much because my writing skills are probably at the equivalent of a third grader.